Why is plumbing protection important during renovations?

Plumbing protection is critical during renovations to maintain the longevity and functioning of plumbing systems. Experienced plumbers know that shielding pipes and fixtures from corrosive elements and preventing accidental damage is vital during construction. Failing to protect them can lead to leakage, burst pipes, or even complete system failure, triggering costly repairs and replacements. Oatey offers several solutions to protect your plumbing pipes and fixtures during renovation.

1. Pipe Wrap, Tape, and Stud Guards

Pipe wrap is pipe protection solution, as it acts as a protective layer against moisture and potential damage in various construction scenarios. Foam wraps protect drainage pipes during concrete or cement board installation and offer optimal insulation and protection when dealing with large drainage pipes passing through cement. They help maintain the integrity of the pipes during construction, safeguarding them from potential damage caused by heavy machinery or materials.

Foam wraps are a reliable solution for ensuring the long-term functionality of these pipes. Foam wrap can also create a clearance for flanges during toilet installations.

2. Heat Tape for Cold Areas.

Protecting pipes from bursting is essential in locations prone to freezing temperatures, such as attics and crawl spaces. Properly applied heat tape offers an effective solution by wrapping around pipes in exposed areas and regulating the temperature of the wrap to prevent freezing.

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